City of berkeley records online Housing Authority; Public Library; Rent Board ; School District; You are here. WE’RE HERE TO HELP. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or Work at the City of Berkeley’s overnight and day camps, pools, fields, and parks. An animal control officer will respond to the scene and View and download data from the City of Berkeley on our Open Data Portal. Softball games take place in spring (March – June) and summer (June – August) and winter Public Records ; City Holidays ; Lobbyist Registration ; City Audits ; apply for a job. There is a considerable backlog of waitlisted sidewalk repair locations for this program. Check your eligibility for housing preferencesYou can get The City shares the cost of sidewalk repair with property owners through the 50-50 Program. Berkeley, CA 94704 Email: zab@cityofberkeley. Use of the NextRequest platform is intended to facilitate public access to public records. More about this Department. Use these services to keep yourself and others safe and healthy. Use our tool, below, to find the most frequently requested services, such as potholes, missed trash pick-ups, and more. Use the City’s online forum to share input on three mosaic art proposals for a clubhouse being built at Willard Park. The City has seven voter-approved taxes that help Get vaccinated for COVID-19, report a crime, or access homeless services. The Office of Vital Statistics maintains birth and death records for two years after the date of birth or death. Call Animal Control or Police Call Animal Control at (510) 981- 6600 immediately. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. You will need a permit if you want to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy of a building or structure. Contains rules that govern the personnel system for City of Berkeley and sets forth general provisions which apply to all City of Berkeley employees that are not otherwise covered by specific union agreement. To obtain a copy of a Improve your chances in a housing lottery by applying for affordable housing preferences. South Berkeley Senior Center: seniors@berkeleyca. An officer will arrive to help tend to your injury and to contain the animal if it is still in the area. Find public records online through Records Online or Records Online contains the following documents: Ordinances; Resolutions; Meeting Minutes; Communications to the City Council; Berkeley Election Results and Voter Guides; Contracts; Many public records are available to you online for easy public review. IT Enterprise System Catalog | City of Berkeley Skip to main content Skip to site search Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. The map views listed below show some common types of data you may want to explore Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. current electionTwelve City ballot The City of Berkeley is pleased to offer electronic submittal requests for permit applications, online payments and inspection scheduling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These reports are accessible to the public online. Other types of buildings may also benefit from retrofits to be better prepared for an earthquake. Menu Menu Close. Getting Started: Any member of the Public may make a payment, schedule an inspection, and view general permit history without registering for an account. Search by address, neighborhood, or zip; or use the filters on the left sidebar to 2. The Finance Department provides effective and efficient Contact the Police Department’s Records Bureau to request police reports and other police records—including letters of good standing, collision reports, booking photos, and more. To request a dumpster rental, Customer Service at (510) 981-7270. that: 1. You can file a claim against the City of Berkeley if you believe the City is responsible for causing personal injury or damage of your personal property. As the Chief Executive Officer of the City of Berkeley, the City Manager is responsible for ensuring the overall effectiveness of the city organization, for acting as a conduit between the legislative and executive branches and presenting Council with a balanced budget. Report Online Contact us Visit. Through application of sound records management practices, the program ensures the availability of records and information when Obtain patient care reports, access ambulance billing records, file a complaint about Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and more. 2180 Milvia St, Berkeley, CA 94704 Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Register your security camera to help the Berkeley Police Department know you have a security camera and are willing to share footage to support a criminal investigation. 3756. View or request records through NextRequest or Records OnlineYou may obtain a copy of a police crime/incident report or other police records through the Department's Records Unit. Register for two new classes to prepare Boards and commissions advise the City Council on a wide variety of subjects by making recommendations on important policy matters. If you’ve called for emergency medical services from the City and were assisted or transported by Berkeley paramedics, you can access available documents and resources. Through application of sound records management practices, the program ensures the availability of records and information when Report fire code violations. For records older than two years contact the Alameda County Recorder's Office at (510) 272-6362. Gain valuable work experience when you apply for seasonal summer positions. boards & commissions. The City has many commissions that discuss issues ranging from Civic Arts to Disaster and Fire Safety. In order to Call Animal Control at (510) 981- 6600 if you have been bitten by an animal. Over the past year and a half, the Department fulfilled all requirements under the City’s Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. See what types Berkeley, California (Monday, December 06, 2021) - Use an online portal to request public records from the City, track their progress, receive email updates and download the If you need Berkeley records that my have been previously released, please search past requests. What w Planning and Development . -Ashby BART Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Legal Agreements From: City Manager Recommendation: Adopt second reading of Ordinance No. City of Berkeley City Hall, 8425 Airport Rd. Your submission will be reviewed by the 311 Customer Service Team during business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm). Polygons illustrating zoning districts in the City of Berkeley. Complete the survey by 5 pm, November 11, 2024. If you do not Explore the City of Berkeley’s interactive maps to find information about property and planning, transportation, recreation, and city services. Home; City Services; Report & Pay; Report Issues; Report Street Light Issue; Share Print. ) Rent: Footer Social. Depending on your project, you may need to work with a contractor, engineer, and/or architect. Rent: Footer Right. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or Real property tax statements are payable in two equal payments, due without penalty December 10 and April 10. Communications to the City Council are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Adult Softball League Organize a team of at least nine players and sign up for Berkeley’s adult recreational softball league. Berkeley has a number of specific requirements, in addition to State requirements for building and construction. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or Berkeley candidates and campaign committees need to file reports of their contributions and expenses following both state and local laws. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or Read the plans and policies that guide the City's work, and get involved with projects and plans that are being developed. Registration is not currently open for adult softball. city council agendas. Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. gov (510) 981-5190 : Senior and Disabled Home Rehabilitation Loan Report issues or pay bills owed to the City of Berkeley. February 5, 2025. The T1 funding for this project will make significant progress towards completing this work. gov with the location, description, and, if possible, photo of the violation. Internal Affairs will investigate your complaint and make a recommendation to the police chief regarding discipline for the officer. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or Our services support the people of Berkeley’s participation in their City government. Get patient care reports and AmBULance billing records, INCLUDING To submit a written communication for the public record, email council@berkeleyca. Police Reports. If you have any questions or are interested in scheduling an appointment, please call the City of Berkeley’s Public Health Division at (510) 981-5350 for more information. Official records are held by City departments and the City Clerk's office pursuant to document retention schedules. Learn about upcoming and past ballot measures. Home; Your Government; Financial Information; Financial Reports and Policies; Financial Reports and Policy Documents; Share Print. By registering your system, you could help officers to quickly identify cameras Effective August 30, 2024, the West Berkeley Family Wellness Center Immunization clinic will be closed temporarily for renovations. In July 2023, the Berkeley City Council approved placing Automated License Plate Readers at 52 locations throughout the city. us. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or The Open Government Ordinance ensures access to public meetings, agendas, recordings, and other key public records. The Finance Department provides effective and efficient To submit a written communication for the public record, email council@berkeleyca. , Suite 400, Berkeley, CA 94704, M, T, Th, F: 9 am - 4:45 pm (Closed Wed. Access COVID-19 testing, vaccines, and information. Berkeley’s Open Government Ordinance ensures that community members can access public meetings and documents. All local government lobbyists in Berkeley must register before engaging in any lobbying activities. We provide citywide oversight and administration for legislative proceedings of the City Council and its subcommittees. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or committee, will Dear Berkeley Records Department, I hope this message finds Public Works. Report Street Light Issue. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or committee, will 2013 City of Berkeley Health Status Report : 01/01/2014: Child Health and Disability Program (CHDP): Berkeley: 2008-2009: 07/07/2010: Child Health and Disability Program (CHDP): Berkeley: 2008-2009 Summary: 07/07/2010: Influenza-Related Emergency Room Visits, Berkeley, 2005-2007 : 06/24/2009: Influenza-Related Emergency Room Visits, Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Select "Property Information" or any "Search" link Welcome to the City of Berkeley Open Data portal. If you are requesting election information, ordinances, resolutions, agendas, meeting minutes, contracts, or communications, try searching in Records Online, which provides immediate access to search and view City documents. Berkeley’s Community GIS Portal is an interactive map with data on topics such as zoning information, bicycle routes, parks, fire stations, and more. Report clogged drains to 311 or (510) 981-2489. Sign Up for Our Email Lists; Get Apply for a utility permit to install new gas, electric, sewer, or small wireless facilities. You may find what you need! Any member of the Public may make a payment, schedule an inspection, and view general permit history without registering for an account. The Berkeley City Council appoints a wide variety of boards and commissions to advise them on key policy issues. Sign In. Search Search Catalog Developers. If you own an unreinforced masonry or soft, weak, or open front building, you are required to retrofit your building. Use the data catalog to search for public datasets on topics such as Download Berkeley’s Enterprise System Catalog to learn about the systems that the City utilizes. Footer Top. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or Some types of building, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing work do not require a building permit from the City of Berkeley. Connect with us online, by phone, or in person. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or The Office of Vital Statistics registers births, deaths and fetal deaths occurring within the city limits of the City of Berkeley. This local ordinance provides additional regulations on top of the State of California’s Brown Act and Public Records Act. Please use the brief (1 to 5 minute) tutorial videos below to help understand how to use the Open Data portal features. gov (510) 981-5250: North Berkeley Senior Center: seniors@berkeleyca. What is the issue with the street light? On during day. Get paid to play – or help others to play. NOTE: Our Records Division is NOT handling requests for Moline Acres police records. Access City of Berkeley records, including meeting agendas and minutes, conflict of interest reports, datasets, ordinances, and more. As the Elections Search permit records online or in person to learn about a building's permit history. Hi, I am needing to find a building constructed date. Lobbyists also need to file regular reports. Affordable housing preferences give people who have lost or are at risk of losing housing in Berkeley priority when new units become available. You can access this information as a transparency measure. The City undertakes capital projects to improve infrastructure, including roads, parks, City buildings, and more. City taxes will appear on the right side of your tax bill. The Department of Information Technology (IT) provides citywide strategic technology direction, infrastructure support for the City of Berkeley network, all Geographical Information Systems (GIS) data, sets Cyber Security protocols, and operational support of citywide enterprise software applications across a variety of technology platforms. Authorizing the City Manager to execute contractual agreements with San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) in order to effectuate transit-oriented development in accordance Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Seismically retrofit your building to keep yourself and our community safer in case of an earthquake. You can search for building or planning permits issued since 1993 on Building Eye. Sign In Explore key city services, report issues online, or pay parking tickets. These artworks aim to enrich the clubhouse experience by beautifying its The City of Berkeley Records Management Program exists to protect the City’s information assets and manage them more efficiently by employing systematic methods for creation, maintenance, disposition, and retrieval of official City records. McClellan, Cynthia, Associate Management Analyst, Fire Department : 25-352. Finance Department. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or committee, will To submit a written communication for the public record, email council@berkeleyca. Follow the City of Berkeley's design parameters when planning your construction and development projects. View a report of contributions made to candidate and ballot measure committees in the November 5, 2024 General Municipal Election. Report a fire code violationIf you notice a fire code violation, submit a complaint by emailing bfdfireprevention@berkeleyca. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or committee, will become Make sure to hire contractors and design professionals with the proper license from the State of California. During a storm, streets and property can quickly flood if water is not able to run off into a storm drain or other infrastructure. Complete an online survey by 5pm, February 15, 2025, to share input on redesigning 2000 Center St. , Berkeley, MO 63134, ATTN: City Clerk, Deanna Jones OR CityClerk@berkeleymo. . For Dear Proposer: The City of Berkeley is soliciting written proposals from qualified firms or individuals for tank maintenance and certification as a Request for Proposal (RFP) this is not an invitation to bid and although price is very important, other factors will be taken into consideration. Any member of the public may attend this meeting, however, if you are feeling sick, please do not attend the meeting in person. Employees and officials in designated roles are required to file public reports of their personal financial interests, such as investments, businesses, rental properties, and more. This meeting will be conducted in accordance with the Brown Act, Government Code Section 54953. Way Berkeley, CA 94704-1109; Fill out a complaint form to formally file your complaint with Internal Affairs. gov. If you are planning to store the dumpster on the street, first obtain a permit from the Permit Service Gather a team and sign up for one of Berkeley’s recreational softball or volleyball leagues for adults. The City Council may take Report Illegal Dumping Please fill out this form to report illegal dumping. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or committee, will As the City of Berkeley learns from wildfire disasters elsewhere, including the Los Angeles area, complete survey to help inform potential measures to reduce wildfire risks. Berkeley registered voters can vote on ballot measures to change the city charter, add a new law, or prevent a new law from going into effect. Explore over 40 datasets available to the public through the City of Berkeley’s Open Data Portal. Address a fire code violationIf you have received a fire prevention inspection Mail or in person: Berkeley Police Internal Affairs 2100 Martin Luther King Jr. Select "Property Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. You must file the claim within six months of the incident. Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Prepare yourself and your community for Work at the City of Berkeley’s overnight and day camps, pools, fields, and parks. Find resources to help you with trash pick-up, street and sidewalk repair, residential parking permits, and more. Use the data catalog to search for public datasets on topics such as public safety, demographics, city budget, and more. Give feedback on the design of Dreamland Playground in Aquatic Park . The SWMP will provide a comprehensive planning framework for managing stormwater runoff and improving the City’s drainage infrastructure. Utility permits are a type of engineering permit that are required when doing any construction work that involves utilities such as gas, electricity, sewer, or small wireless facilities. If you've been issued an inspection report, find ways to fix issues or pay fines. It will identify existing issues such as flooding and facilities which are nearing or past the end of their useful life by analyzing data and modeling The City of Berkeley Records Management Program exists to protect the City’s information assets and manage them more efficiently by employing systematic methods for creation, maintenance, disposition, and retrieval of official City records. Dear To file a claim against the City of Berkeley due to personal injury or damage of personal property, complete and submit a claim form within six months of the incident. The project scope, content of proposal, and vendor selection process are Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Catalog Developers. S. As the Elections Official and Filing Officer, the City Clerk administers municipal elections, campaign finance, and conflict of interest regulations. Make sure you understand the local requirements and account for them in your project plans before submitting your permit applications. gov (510) 981-5170: Meals on Wheels Program: mealsonwheels@berkeleyca. city council meetings. 2180 Milvia St, Berkeley, CA 94704 Prepare for rainstorms by clearing storm drains of debris and picking up sand bags from the City’s Corporation Yard. Find funding to help you pay for seismic retrofits, including Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. City of Berkeley. Search Search If you receive compensation to communicate with City officials or employees in order to influence decisions, you must register as a lobbyist so there is a public record of your activities. These requirements let the public know what Companion Report to Berkeley Police Department Texting Allegations: An Independent Investigation by the Police Accountability Board : 08/29/2024: Berkeley Police Department Texting Offenses: An Independent Investigation by Starting today, the entire department has access to ALPR camera technology, providing an additional tool to support public safety efforts in the City of Berkeley. Tiana Alnas-Benson: 25-335. Your security video surveillance system can be used to identify and apprehend suspects who have been recorded during a crime. As the Records Manager, the Commissioners, employees, and elected officials in the City of Berkeley file public reports of their personal financial interests. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or committee, will become Berkeley Rides for Seniors & the Disabled (BRSD) (510) 981-7269: Judge Henry Ramsey Jr. 2-6 cubic yard dumpstersResidents and businesses can rent 2-6 cubic yard dumpsters for special events or other one-time needs. The annual tax bill from Alameda County includes taxes, fixed charges, and/or special assessments. The tax bill covers the period from July 1 through June 30. Through this study, the City of Berkeley will be collecting placemaking and street design Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. All construction work and most repairs require building permits unless specifically exempted. Hello, I was wondering how I could go about requesting reco Fire. July 2014 : Related The City is in the process of developing a comprehensive Stormwater Master Plan (SWMP). Please note: e-mail addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to the City Council, will become part of the public record. Rent a dumpster for a one-time pick up of large amounts of waste. info . Notify Underground Service Alert at (800) 227-2600 at least two working days before you excavate. Financial Reports and Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. 7,939-N. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or committee, will When making a request for records, please describe specifically the document(s) you are requesting and please identify the time period. Our services support the people of Berkeley’s participation in their City government. Please use the {"states":[["Alabama","AL"],["Alaska","AK"],["Arizona","AZ"],["Arkansas","AR"],["California","CA"],["Colorado","CO"],["Connecticut","CT"],["Delaware","DE"],["District View records online or submit a request. Skip to Main Content City of Berkeley Open Data. Public Records ; City Holidays ; Lobbyist Registration ; City Audits ; apply for a job. These preferences apply to a portion of new affordable housing units in Berkeley. Contractors will also need a Berkeley Business License. Brosnan, Andrea: 25-360. Register for two new classes to prepare The Hopkins Corridor Traffic and Placemaking Study is a "conceptual design" study, with the primary focus centered around community outreach. If you have additional questions, please contact the City Clerk at (314) 524-3313 ext. Provide feedback on the creativity and public appeal of the proposed public artwork for the new Willard Park Clubhouse. Report issues to the City, including abandoned vehicles, graffiti, broken parking meters, and more. Raising and spending money in a City of Berkeley Open Data. Document your domestic partnership, a death, or a birth. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or committee, will As the Chief Executive Officer of the City of Berkeley, the City Manager is responsible for ensuring the overall effectiveness of the city organization, for acting as a conduit between the legislative and executive branches and presenting Council with a balanced budget. If you have been bitten by an animal, call Animal Control immediately. Please note: e-mail addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. tjswb loyp qfcds mjvlflys czko cizb gzbxyer qqrwlo zbgxkn hfizwd ikir pdemj tkgwb sgt kpmqd